Friday, December 01, 2006

Wii and Mii

I have let everyone I know down. I have disappointed them beyond belief. And all I did was not play my Wii.

Wii's are not rare, but they sure are not common, either. Yeah, I haven't played my Wii so much since I got it, so what? Not like I'm getting rid of the damn thing anytime soon. I am very excited for the Wii, but not counting the Virtual Counsel games and Zelda, the only Wii game I've enjoyed playing is Marvel Ultimate Alliance --barely; the graphics are awful, and the game play while innovative gets repetitive doing the same moves with the Wiimote and Nunchuck over and over again!

I will play more games besides Zelda, when better games are released. In the meantime, I have to practice my fishing.

Koji Kondo - Overworld [A Link to the Past]


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