The Dark Knight: two days away
This Thursday night/Friday morning in Hollywood I will be attending back-to-back screenings of highly anticipated motion picture comic book adaption opus The Dark Knight. I am very, very, very excited for this film.
I am horny for this film.
As I may have mentioned before, I am a big-time comic book and film nerd. When a new *good* comic gets released, I rejoice and glee. When a new movie comes out and kicks every sort of ass possible, I high-five myself. So far, those who have seen it have loved it.
Now, maybe I shouldn't listen to what the critics say. I mean, I make my own decisions and opinions. I ain't afraid of no ghosts! However, so many creative minds worked on this picture. The previews/trailers look incredible. The ingredients for the perfect comic book movie are there.
Later today in this blog I will discuss Batman Begins, and some some selections from its sountrack available. Thursday morning will have my final thoughts before leaving fro the midnight screening, as well as some selections from from the new The Dark Knight soundtrack. Friday morning will feature my review of The Dark Knight. Stay tuned.

For some minor updates thought the day, please visit out my new blog at Tumblr
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