it's uselink

Today was the day I remastered my Depeche Mode cds.Well, Kinda. My dMode cds are pretty bad shape, especially 81>86, which is a poor CD-R duplicate from the actual CD which was destroyed six years ago.
When I mean to say remastered, I mean to say that I extract each track at 44100 KHz 16bit WAV, then rework the equalization and adjust the volume if the original recording was "soft on the ears." I save the tracks as 192kbps mp3 files (as well as Variable).
One of these albums I worked on was 1997's Ultra, which I've owned since then and am proud to say that the disc has very minor scratches. It's really great to physically own theis album, not just for the sound, but for the wonderful photography of Anton Corbijn. Oh, and the songs are pretty good. Have a hear...
Listen for yourself! Get Depeche Mode's Ultra at today!
huh? i dont get it. "is too good of a song is listen to." that little quote made no sense. i think you were in a hurry to write that but its cool, i do that too. nice song i love it!!
I deleted it, it didn't make any sense, it didn't, didn't it?
lol, yes you did you wierdo!!, hey maybe loren can give you a ride tomorow...he can at least take you to the goldline....maybe...
Wow, you are a far more dedicated music lover than I. I just rip it at 192 and however it comes out is how it stays.
But I do love owning albums. I don't understand the people who do nothing but download music off people like you and I. If the music is good, the logical next step is to go buy the album because why wouldn't you want to own it if you like it? There's just something about the lyrics and thank-yous and photography and just the whole package deal, that I can't live without.
*steps off soapbox*
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