Friday, January 02, 2009

Back in Action

It's 2008 2009. Sweet, an all new year. It feels like I've been baptized. Maybe I can complete it by being molested by a priest, again. Won't be the first time I've had something holy inside me!

*ahem* Well, I must explain my absence first. Ever since losing my money, home, and sanity in Hollywood, I decided to get take a break (i.e. I couldn't find any work, paid or unpaid) and focus on minor jobs to make some cash. When even that failed, I went back to blogging. You can also catch my musings on twitter and witness my more nerdy obsessions at my tumblr.

I spent the beginning of 2008 2009 rearranging my music collection (as well as contemplating getting an iPod classic, you'll see why in a sec) when I noticed this:

That's quite a handful. Now you understand why I'm looking at that specific iPod classic. I have mentioned in the past that I ripped every CD I've ever owned, and now I only buy music from used from Amoeba, mp3s from Amazon, or the artists/band's websites. Sweet.

Well, expect to see more pretty soon. Enjoy this Rilo Kiley song to jump start 2009! :)

Silver Lining
by Rilo Kiley
From the 2007 album Under The Blacklight

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Blogger Hanan said...

you didn't really get molested by a priest did you? if you did, I'm sorry, if you didn't, it's not ok to joke about shit like that

5:30 PM, January 02, 2009  
Blogger theecarlos said...

you mean... back in fag action! hahahhaha

9:16 PM, March 16, 2009  

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