WWE Summerslam 2005

I like wrestling. I can explain why: when I was a lad, I found American sports very unappealing. Especially the sport that require the use of a team, or teamwork. I loathed basketball, football, the real footol, softball, all of that crap. During the beginning of the 1990's, I fell in love with Pro Wrestling, especially the WWF (now WWE). Unlike traditional mat and Olympic wrestling, the WWF and other wrestling promotions would showcase their wrestlers as "Superstars" and would have their own gmmicks.
World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has four huge Pay-Per-View events every year: Royal Rumble in January, Wrestlemania in April, Summerslam in August, and Survivor Series in November. The other RAW/Smackdown! PPVs are crap compared to the big four. This Sunday (tomorrow nite!) will be Summerslam, live from Washington D.C. Three meain-event matches are headlining this years: WWE Champion John Cena vs. Y2J Chris Jericho for the WWE Championship, World Heavywheight Champ Batista vs. the piece of crap JBL for thw World Heavyweight Title, and in an Lengend vs Icon match, the immortal Hulk Hogan will take on the showstopper, the Heart-Break Kid, Shawn Michaels. Today, we will look into the WWE Title match between Cena and Y2J, plus Hogan and HBK.
WWE Champ John Cena may not be a houslod name, but he's getting there. His title reign so far has been successful, although it would be a whole lot better if he wasn't fighting Carlito every week (dammit Creative, you can do better!). He defeated JBL for the WWE belt at Wrestlemania 21 in Los Angeles (I was there, natch) and soon after released a rap album. Did I mention that Cena's gimmick was that of a rapper? Oh, damn. Well, he is, and he's not that bad.
I don't think anyone who watches VH1 doesn't know who Chris Jericho is. If you don't watch RAW every monday nite at 9pm on USA, then you can catch Y2J every weekend on Best Week Ever. Yeah, that's him! He also has a metal band named Fozzy that sounds pretty sweet (free samples of Fozzy & Cena below!)
EDIT: On the August 22nd edition of Monday Night RAW, Chirs Jericho "was fired" aftre losing a WWE Championship rematch with John Cena. In reality, this was a work and Jericho needed some well-deserved time-off from wrestling. It is unkown when he will be back, but when he does, it will be with the WWE.
John Cena - The Time Is NowPurcase You Can't See Me mp3s at WWE.com
Purchase You Can't See Me CD at Amazon.com
Fozzy - Enemy (Chris Jericho's band)
Purchase All That Remains at Amazon.com
(MP3/WMA File hosting provided by filefarmer.com)
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i love this new wrestling!! it lasts less than 2 hours!! sigh...i miss the old matches that lasted more than 2 hours!!
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