Amoeba and the Beatles

I went with some pals to Amoeba Records (located on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood) to sell/trade some products that I no longer wanted to own (they were stinking up the house), which included a ton of Smiths & Morrissey CDs, DVDs, and Vinyl. All in all, it fetched me around $100 in store credit. Ha! Funny, I bought a vinyl Viva Hate from eBay for nine bucks and minutes later I saw it in a bin selling for twenty.
With that same store credit, I bought some Zepplin and Depeche Mode for my cousin, and Beatles vinyl and CDs for myself (tee-hee). I'm very happy about that. Happy as a warm gun.
And now to share the happiness:
The Beatles - Octopus's Garden
(yes, I know this isn't a White Album tune, but its still one of Ringo's finest!)
[UPDATE: Had to remove the song due to bandwith issues. I had it coming!]
Never heard the White Album? Shame on you. Buy it on!
thanks for the records by the way!!!
where is the new blog?
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