Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"it's been done."

A song for his slained friend. One of the best songs from his 1981 classic LP Somewhere In England, featuring Ringo Starr on drums, Paul & Linda McCartney on backing vox, here for you to hear is All Those Years Ago.
EDIT: Link expired. Sorry folks! Buy the CD instead, it is well worth it!!

George Harrison - All Those Years Ago

Somewhere in England at Amazon.com
The Dark Horse Years boxed set at Amazon.com
List of Beatles songs written by George Harrison
George Harrison discography
George Harrison song lyrics

Thursday, December 08, 2005

turn me on, deadman...

It was twenty-five years ago today that John Lennon, the smartest, wittiest, and most eccentric of the ultra-popular/talented band The Beatles was murdered by Mark David Chapman in front of his appartment in New York City. Lennon was 40 years old.

As a Lennon fan, tonite's post seemed like a no-brainer. However, instead of posting individual Lennon/Beatle songs, I've remixed several of John's Beatles songs as one long mp3 file, in golorious mono.
[EDIT 12/11: Due to bandwidth issues, I was forced to take down the mp3]

The Beatles - Real Love/If I Fell/Misery/It Won't Be Long/I'm a Loser/No Reply/Nowhere Man/Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)/You've Got To Hide Your Love Away [Vocal Take]/It's Only Love

Here are some links for those who want to know a bit more on this man:

Lennon Lyrics
Lennon's FBI files (10 pages are still classified)
Another FBI file site without needing Adobe Reader
Lennon Quotes
1980 Playboy interview with John and Yoko

Saturday, December 03, 2005

sing blue silver

In 1982, Duran Duran were on top of the world, thanks to their self-titled breakthrough album, and that year's release of Rio, a record that broke all-new ground in the way pop music is defined, and as a message for those who thought this new style of
pop music was a disco-throughback that it's here to stay, and we like it.

Duran Duran - The Chauffeur

[Edit: Link is no more.]

Buy the remastered Rio at Amazon.com

Tonite's (wrestling jargon) word of the day: SHOOT

Friday, December 02, 2005

Another Girl, Another Planet

After a much needed time off to focus on school (I'm a college man, son!), I have returned with a new post, and maybe even a new format. Nah, funk that, same old format!

I've been listening to the song Another Girl, Another Planet quite alot lately. And in the strangest of the strange, the version I've been listeing to is by those former princes of tween-girl-fantasies: blink-182!

I used enjoy the blinks back in middle school, and the beginning of high school. Then I started listening to ...well, real music (the good stuff, man!). Jesus did high school suck. Anyhoo, this song was orignially performed by those forgotten greats The Only Ones, and was also covered by another great band: The Replacements (whom I will discuss in a later blog entry!).

This is a great song, but don't trust a demon like me, judge for yourself.

blink-182 - Another Girl, Another Planet

The Only Ones - Another Girl, Another Planet

[Edit: Links died a firey death]

Check out the music on Amazon.com:
The Only Ones - Special View CD
blink-182 - Greatest Hits CD