Superman Returns
Tomorrow has been almost ten years in the making; for me, anyway. Tomorrow night, Superman Returns opens in several movie houses, including the most famous movie palace in the world, Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood.
A long time coming, this film (in it's modern state) has been stalled for almost a decade, taking three vastly different directors, various-yet-similar storylines plotted, multiple actors attachted, and millions of dollars spent, all without never filmming a frame of the film. It was only the fall of 2004 when Warner Bros. finally attachted director Bryan Singer and his production crew to revamp Superman for the big screen, however, unlike most of the failed "Superman New Movie" ideas which featured a take on the post-Crisis Superman and also his death & return, Singer and co. decided to go with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" formula for the new Superman film and used the already established film continuity of the now-classic Superman: The Movie series starring the late Christopher Reeve.
Later tonite, I, along with several fine folks from will be lining-up in front of historic Grauman's Chinese Theater, a full 24 hours prior to the Tuesday Night 10pm screening. I am quite excited, to say the least.
See ya guys later.
John Ottman - Superman Returns (Main Titles)
Sound of Superman

There are 14 days remaining until the release of Superman Returns on Tuesday, June 27 at various worldwide 10pm screenings. The film, directed by Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects, X-Men, X2) is the first Superman feature film in almost two decades, and stars acting newcomer Brandon Routh as the iconic Man of Steel.
As usual, there will be a scored soundtrack released to accompany the feature film: Superman Returns composed by John Ottman, which will be in stores June 27. In addition, there will be a various artists compilation released on June 13 from Rhino/Wea titled Sound of Superman. The comp features various modern alternative rock bands and artists playing songs about, er, Superman, or about what it takes to be a hero. Cool beans. Several cover songs of classic Superman-inspired tunes are on this album, which really are nowhere near up to par with their original recorded versions (see final two songs to judge for yourself). I have up a few selected tracks, which should last a week. There will be more Superman-related posts coming in the next couple of days, since he is my fav'rit. Enjoy.

American Hi-Fi - The Rescue
Plain White T's - It's So Easy
Maxeen - Save Me
Nightmare of You - Waitin' for a Superman (The Flaming Lips cover)
The Flaming Lips - Waitin' for a Superman
Additional info:
Sound of Superman @MySpace
Buy Sound of Superman:
I Want An American Life So Bad
nunca sabes lo que va a decir cuando empieza a sonreír
Saturday I posted some tracks and few thoughts on the music of Madonna. Well, I'm back for more!
Okay, first things first: if you like the music ya hear, then go out and buy the album. It will sound oh-so much better, I'm cereal. I don't suggest download sites like iTunes, mostly because their compression sucks and the result are lossy song audio. If you don't like the song, then just drag it to your Recycle Bin and fin.
Madonna's 2000 album Music is a catchy and poppy sequel to 1998's Ray of Light. The title track was the first single released,and had a crazy music video starring funnyman Ali G. Another song that had another crazy video, in literal terms, was What it Feels Like for a Girl. Violent and nasty, but nice to look at (isn't that all of Madonna's videos?). Lo Que Siente La Mujer is the Spanish version of the Madonna track What It Feels Like for a Girl. It's also one of the best songs NOT released on a Madonna album as it's olny available on the What It Feels Like for a Girl CD-Single (see link below). Enjoy.

Madonna - Music
Madonna - Lo Que Siente La Mujer
Buy the album Music
Madonna: GHV2
What It Feels Like for a Girl [CD-SINGLE]
More Madonna
excuses, excuses, and whatnot
Where the hell have I been at for the last two weeks? I worked. I rested. I worked, again.
I once said I was going to do this and that. Well, I'm putting this and that on hiatus, so I can clear my head and get back "into the zone" for blogging on this bloggy-thing.
Five minutes later...
Well that went rather well. Hi there.
Remember all that talk about politics and immigration and social commentary? Well, fudge that! I'm to tired of that shtuff... I think I can survive a few days not giving a rat's ass about who is doing what (even though I do plan on voting this tuesday).
Big things are coming along. Madonna is playing the Staples Center tonite in LA, a show which I am not attending thanks to work later this morning.
I have always been a Madonna fan, despite me having trashed American Life about three years ago (today one of my favorite songs is Hollywood). More Madonna shtuff on tomorrow's post.
Madonna - Amazing