Friday, November 07, 2008

Friend in need

Just as change will start to set upon the world, not all is well currently. Businesses are suffering, downsizing, closing. People are losing jobs, and it's now more difficult than ever to find one. Heck, I-myself as seeking work (and will take anything really; email me for a resume). But this ain't about me, it's for a friend.

Friend to music Angela Poe has recently lost her job. She very resourceful and knowledgeable in multiple fields. Here is a good example of her creativity--
Click on the image above or click here for her resume.

Kings of Leon - Knocked Up

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

New America

Above is the new President of the US of A.
Behind him is the Man of Steel.

To US citizens, I hope you voted. I don't give a fuck who you voted for, but if you did. There are millions of people who are still without that honor, so we should take advantage of it like a drunken male/female whore at your friend's booze-filled party. To non-US citizens, uhh, sorry.
I don't think I've discussed the new url yet. After doing this for a few years, I knew I wanted to do more with this site. The new url and banner are just the beginning. I'm writing a new template right now, and will alos expand coverage on *sigh* nerdier topics like comics and movies because, well shit, I am a comic and movie nerd. You will also see a shitload more new bands and artists who I feel need a push, and since MTV and KROQ are focused on playing the same artists that suck over and over again, why not try something refreshing. Change. That's some Obama shit right there!

One more thing to add: there is a new email address to match the new blog url. has a nice ring to it. Use that email addy to send what you think I and others will like. If you would like to just say hey or discuss comics and movies, my personal/pro email is located at the very bottom of the web page. Spam me and I'll DDoS attack your ass.

Bad Religion - New America

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

NO, WAIT: Colbert Loses To Obama

New York City, November 5, 2008— The Daily Bugle is reporting that, despite winning the popular vote, Stephen Colbert did not win the United States Presidency in the Marvel Universe, with Democratic nominee Barack Obama triumphing.
When questioned by the media regarding the confusion, Marvel Comics EiC Joe Quesada said, “We completely forgot the Marvel Universe reflects what happens in the real world...Ooops, our bad.”
More on this story as it develops.

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Stephen Colbert Wins!

New York City, November 5, 2008—The early results are in and the Daily Bugle is reporting that Stephen Colbert has won the United States Presidency in the Marvel Universe. While many states still have yet to report their numbers, Colbert is already claiming a victory.

More on this story as it develops.

Joe Strummer - It's A Rockin' World

The Rutles - Number One

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